Performing the masculine in the construction of a feminine identity: the portraits of romaine brooks and tamara de lempicka

Keywords: modernity, performativity, gender identify, portraiture, fashion


Through portraiture, painters Romaine Brooks and Tamara de Lempicka used fashion to construct a new narrative of the modern woman, one that subverted the heteronormative gender discourse of the early 20th century. Their aesthetic proposals, both of which combined masculine and feminine signs seamlessly, were groundbreaking in representing women in a way that showcased a diversity of sexual and gender expression that was impossible to label. Through an analysis of performativity, and using gender theory, we uncover how both artists used masculinity and androgynous elements towards a creation of a feminine identity.


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How to Cite
Bravo Valdes, R. M. (2021). Performing the masculine in the construction of a feminine identity: the portraits of romaine brooks and tamara de lempicka . MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 9(18), 1-8.