The corporality of listening

Plurisensory perception induced by experimental sound sculpture

Keywords: listening, multisensory perception, contemporary sculpture, sound art


In the following essay the perception of sound is proposed, in relation with on artistic proposals that promote multisensory experiences, space and time, in the context of today sound sculpture, I refer under the same concept those artistic manifestations that involve sound as a detonating agent of the corporality of listening, the art pieces that we will review in this text give “corporality” to the sound, evidencing and even enhancing the perception of its physicality.

In the understanding that sound is an entity in itself, in constant change, and that the body of the listener is an organ that takes an active place, the works announced here seek an event between these agents, the sound sculptures are a point of encounter between the sounds of these. "It is not about the temporal dimension of the acoustic event but its spatial dimension" (Rebentisch, 2018, p.256), the active participation of the listener-spectator in the execution of the artistic experience, collaborator and producer of situations, is crucial the presence of the corporeality of listening.


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How to Cite
Xolocotzin Eligio, E. P. (2022). The corporality of listening. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 10(19), 52-59.