Ulysse, 1982, by Agnès Varda. Brief study about the temporality of a short film about a photograph

Keywords: Agnès Varda, temporalities in cinematography, temporalities in photography, cinecriture, cinematography creates the real



This work tries to analyze Ulysse, 1982, by Agnès Varda: a short film about a photograph taken by the same author on a beach in La Mancha twenty-eight years ago to an Egyptian man, a child, and a dead goat.

The analysis takes place in the field of visual arts studies. Particularly in the tradition of theories on temporality in the analysis of works. This tradition, which forms the warp and weft of this work, refers to authors such as George Kubler, George Didi-Huberman, Alexander Nagel, Christopher Wood, and Thomas Kuhn, among others.

The central theme of Ulysse - as the author has also declared - in addition to the question of memory and time, is the relationship of memory and representation in the image. How can memory be represented in the moving image superimposed on the still image? How does filming include the complex framework of previous times, constantly updated, projected into the future, simultaneous, parallel, coexisting in the short film? I try, therefore, to examine these different temporalities contained in Ulysse, and the sense of plasticity that shapes Agnès Varda's work.


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How to Cite
Rabadán Villalpando, M. E. (2022). Ulysse, 1982, by Agnès Varda. Brief study about the temporality of a short film about a photograph. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 10(19), 66-70. https://doi.org/10.29057/ia.v10i19.7900