Vegetation Available for Goat Production in Hidalgo State and Its Influence on Meat Quality

Keywords: Herbaceous, Capra, Shrubby, Valle del Mezquital


The objective of this research consisted of a brief bibliographic investigation about the type of native vegetation capable of being used by goats in the state of Hidalgo. A brief introduction about the situation of goat production worldwide is described at the beginning, then at the national level and later according to the municipalities of Hidalgo. The type of vegetation was related to the consumption habits of the goats and their consumption preferences to finally expose the properties of goat meat.


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How to Cite
Buendía, I., Chávez Silvestre , M. F., Aldrette Arteaga, Ángel A., Peralta Ortiz, J. G., Hernández Zarco, M. A., & López Ojeda, J. C. (2022). Vegetation Available for Goat Production in Hidalgo State and Its Influence on Meat Quality. Boletín De Ciencias Agropecuarias Del ICAP, 8(15), 11-14.