Dental management to ocelot; root canal treatment and rehabilitation: case report

Keywords: Dental care, ocelot, conservation, root canal treatment, animal welfare


The oral cavity represents the entrance to the digestive system and any disfunction, disease or abnormality has the power to cause an unfavourable impact on the health of the animals. In order to contribute to the conservation of the species, dental care in wildlife is essential to optimize an adequate nutritional status. Clinical case of veterinary dentistry is presented in ocelot, species of felines that are in protection category, procedures such as root canal treatment, teeth rehabilitation were performed in order to restore function and avoid oral problems, guaranteeing animal welfare.


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How to Cite
Medina-Ordaz , I. H., Hernández-Salgado, M. F., & Acoltzin-Chavez, E. A. (2022). Dental management to ocelot; root canal treatment and rehabilitation: case report. Boletín De Ciencias Agropecuarias Del ICAP, 8(15), 27-32.