Usefulness of glycemic index and glycemic load of foods as dietary recommendation tools

Keywords: Carbohydrates, glycemic index, glycemic load, chronic disorders


Carbohydrates are a wide family of molecules that form an important part of the diet and represent optimal substrates for obtaining energy. For some years, carbohydrates have been investigated for possible associations between high consumption patterns and the occurrence of some chronic pathologies. In the 80's, a concept trying to explain the behavior of different types of food carbohydrates on plasma glucose levels, was developed. Since its inception to date, the relevance of this concept, known as glycemic index, has been subject of controversy among nutrition professionals and the scientific community for different reasons. More recently, another concept (the glycemic load) has attempted to better explain the impact of carbohydrates on the blood, however, their real importance and usefulness in dietetics are still under debate. This document offers an overview of the origin and usefulness of these concepts, as well as a compilation of scientific evidence that relates these concepts to development or treatment of some physiological and pathological situations.


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How to Cite
Campos-Montiel, R. G., Estefes-Duarte, J. A., González-Lemus, U., Jottar-Bernal, A., & Hernández-Fuentes, A. D. (2022). Usefulness of glycemic index and glycemic load of foods as dietary recommendation tools. Boletín De Ciencias Agropecuarias Del ICAP, 8(15), 15-26.