Self-driving interface module. Use of retrofit in automotive upgrade

Keywords: Electrofit, Electromobility, Car-driver interface, Sensors, Voice indications


Through this line of research, it is proposed to encourage the conversion process of vehicles that use gasoline engines, to 100% electric vehicles (retrofit) adding to the transformed car a dashboard that will allow knowing the status of door opening, as well as battery conditions for scheduling a trip. This seeks to bring the car to the level of a high-end car, but at affordable costs. The important thing is that this operation is viable in cars that are at least 10 years old, and that it is accessible to the vast majority of inhabitants who cannot afford to buy a new electric vehicle.

The car has already been converted, now the aim is to make it attractive by implementing an intuitive dashboard that makes the driver immediately aware of the starting status of the vehicle, the main access and driving modules of the car, such as the control of the flashing lights, turn signals, door locks, trunk lock, and alarm horn.

In the retrofit, all the vital components of the car are used and those associated with the combustion engine are replaced, lowering production costs and preventing cars that are a few years old from falling into disuse, becoming polluting garbage.


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How to Cite
Cervantes-de-Anda, I., González-Paredes, E., Alcántara-Méndez, A. J., Santillán-Luna, R., & Rangel-González, J. (2023). Self-driving interface module. Use of retrofit in automotive upgrade. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(Especial4), 88-95.

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