Mobile robot construction stages with a sensing and communication system

Keywords: Electronic development, Swarm of robots, Mobile robot, Embedded system, Control software


The fourth industrial revolution entails social, material and technological changes; digitization, internet and great diversity and amount of information.  It is in the way we communicate, relate, work, not only physically, nor on business days or at certain times; in the educational field, content based on active competencies and methodologies is being adapted; Specific materials are being incorporated, on mobile platforms and applications, for courses, graduates, specialties and postgraduate courses, face to face and virtual, to approach more territories, national and international, at all educational levels.  This work, sticking to industry 4.0, shows the development to build a mobile robot with sensing and communication systems and algorithms based on complex systems, to experiment with collaborative work; since educational robotics is a facilitating and attractive means of learning, which simulates creativity and individual and collaborative activities, this prototype can be useful in teaching active entities.  


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How to Cite
Oliva-Moreno, L. N., Gómez-Mayorga, M. E., & Vicario-Solórzano, C. M. (2023). Mobile robot construction stages with a sensing and communication system . Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(Especial4), 244-249.