Application of phase-field method to the dendrite formation

Keywords: Solidification, Dendrites, Phase-field method, Pure metals


In the present work, the phase-field method was applied to the solidification of pure metals, making emphasis on the crystal growth of dendrites. Kobayashi´s formulation was used to analyze the effect of different parameters on the solidification process. A FORTRAN code was used for the dendrite simulation, and the explicit finite difference method was employed to solve de partial differential equations. The simulation results showed the dendrite evolution for metal with cubic and hexagonal symmetries, as well as the effect of solidification latent heat and anisotropy on the dendrite formation. The increase in the latent heat caused the reduction in growth rate of crystals.   


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How to Cite
López Hirata, V. M., Escamilla Illescas, C. R., Vázquez Maldonado, F., Bautita Fuentes, S. S., Ornelas Espinosa, K. P., & Saucedo Muñoz, M. L. (2023). Application of phase-field method to the dendrite formation. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(Especial5), 128-133.