Nanocellulose synthesis from corn cob by acid hydrolysis.

Keywords: Corn Cob, Residue, Nanocelulosa, Agro-industry, Acid Hydrolysis


The corn cob is considered an agricultural waste produced by the separation of grain and pod, which is considered a material with a high lignocellulosic mass. It is produced in large quantities every year due to agricultural and agro-industrial activity in Mexico. Nevertheless, it does not represent any monetary value for producers, so it ends up being incinerated, causing the instability of climate change. However, the extraction of nanocellulose from corn cob is attractive to scientists and industry, due to it having better strength properties than steel, is light, conductive, non-toxic, absorbent and is very versatile.

On the other hand, the synthesis was carried out in 10 stages with the aim of isolating nanocellulose by degradation of lignin and hemicellulose. The resulting samples were analysed using MO, FT-IR and AFM characterization techniques for use in future applications.


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How to Cite
Lozano-Salas, L., Ortiz-Duarte, G., Romero-Ibarra, I. C., Canseco-Urbieta, A., Bravo-González, E., & Léon-Nataret, Y. A. (2024). Nanocellulose synthesis from corn cob by acid hydrolysis. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 12(24). Retrieved from

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