Prevalence of post-COVID syndrome in students from ICBI, UAEH (2022)

Keywords: COVID-19, , post-COVID syndrome, persistent COVID, COVID prevalence


After suffering the COVID-19 disease, some patients may present persistent clinical manifestations, such as pulmonary, cardiac, neurological, among others. These remain for several weeks not explained by other diagnoses, but as a sequel of the same disease, a condition called post-COVID syndrome. There is little information on this subject because patients recover from the acute disease, and generally there is no medical follow-up. This work explored the student population from ICBI, UAEH, at the time of the fifth wave of the disease in Mexico, to measure the prevalence of post-COVID syndrome in 78 confirmed patients, after 12 weeks of recovery from the acute phase. 53.3% showed at least one of the symptoms. The prevalence of the disease in the student population from ICBI is 1.04%. In addition, cognitive impairment was measured in 19 of the patients. All of them showed memory failures, ranging from mild to severe, mainly in regular daily activities.


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How to Cite
Gress-Hernández, E., & Iturbe-Acosta, U. (2024). Prevalence of post-COVID syndrome in students from ICBI, UAEH (2022). Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 12(23), 148-155.