Formation tracking for a heterogeneous multi-agent system

Keywords: Multi-agent system, heterogeneus system, formation tracking, Ackerman robot, differential robot


In this work, the design of a control strategy to achieve formation tracking in a heterogeneous multi-agent system is presented. The modeling of this system is based on the principles of algebraic graph theory. In particular, the system comprises two different types of agents: Ackermann and differential mobile robots. This control proposal lies in enabling a subgroup of agents designated as ``followers'' to achieve and maintain a predefined formation with respect to a ``leader''. The leader has the task to track a desired trajectory. The theoretical results are validated through numerical simulation, where the ability of this strategy to coordinate multiple robots of different types is demonstrated.


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How to Cite
Alfonso-Jiménez, J. L., Santiaguillo-Salinas, J., García-Lozano, H. N., & Pérez-Castro, N. (2024). Formation tracking for a heterogeneous multi-agent system. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 12(Especial2), 8-13.

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