Microorganisms associated with aguamiel in the agave pulquero in Hidalgo, Mexico

Keywords: agave, sap, diversity, microorganisms, MALDI-TOF


The agave has been an important element in Mesoamerican culture from pre-Hispanic times to the present day and one of its most appreciated benefits is the sap it produces when ripe, fresh known as mead or fermented as pulque. A factor with the greatest influence on its organoleptic characteristics is the microorganisms it contains. This paper proposes to broaden the knowledge of the influence of microorganisms and understand their effects on the qualities of mead through an ethnobiological, morphological, biochemical, and molecular MALDI-TOF analysis of samples with variables in the traditional classification taken at two times of year. It was found that the spring samples are microbiologically more diverse than those analysed in winter, in the first case the most representative genera were Hafnia and Pseudomonas presenting more homogeneity while in the second they were Pseudomonas, Clavispora and Lysinibacillus. These data allows establishing the basis for future studies leading to the understanding of relation between cultural management and microbiological diversity.


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How to Cite
Silva-López, N. L., Martínez-Hernández, S., & Figueredo-Urbina, C. J. (2024). Microorganisms associated with aguamiel in the agave pulquero in Hidalgo, Mexico. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 12(24). Retrieved from https://repository.uaeh.edu.mx/revistas/index.php/icbi/article/view/12206

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