Car steering prediction: Implementation of two interest areas

Keywords: Supervised learning, Region of interest, CNN, Intelligent vehicles, steering system


Steering angle prediction in intelligent vehicles is a topic widely studied in the literature. Nevertheless, user intervention is required to operate the vehicle, limiting the degree of autonomy. This work proposes algorithms based on artificial neural networks to determinate the steering angle in a moving vehicle, with real-time applications in scaled vehicles on a two-lane track. Using a front camera centered on the vehicle, two areas of interest are determined: the original image and a rectified version by changing the perspective. Subsequently, the tuple of images is used to create two labelled datasets with the desired steering angle to train two convolutional neural networks. Once trained, both models are implemented in real-time to guide a scaled vehicle on an obstacle free road, allowing autonomous navigation in the designated lane while observing the behaviour in each case.


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How to Cite
Martínez-Hernández, F. E., Arias-Aguilar, J. A., Macías-García, E., & Ramírez-Cárdenas, O. D. (2024). Car steering prediction: Implementation of two interest areas. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 12(Especial2), 40-45.
Research papers