Reactivation of Geologic Faults in Response to Changes in Crustal Stress: Examples From Eastern Sierra de Pachuca

  • José Cruz Escamilla Casas UAEH - AACTyM
Keywords: Sierra de Pachuca, Reactivated Faults, Principal Stresses, Trans-Tension


In this work, we present results from observations and structural analyses made on outcropping fault planes in the eastern sector of the Sierra de Pachuca, where La Crucita, La Sotolera, and Colmenas hills, are located. On the studied fault planes, several sets of superposed slickenlines with different orientation are observed.  The orientations of the slickenlines can be grouped into two different sets, here interpreted as reactivation of faults in response to changes in the orientation of crustal stress.  We compared the older dip slip normal faulting with the younger oblique slip faulting. Our results strongly suggest the presence of a regional trans-tensional regime.


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How to Cite
Escamilla Casas, J. C. (2019). Reactivation of Geologic Faults in Response to Changes in Crustal Stress: Examples From Eastern Sierra de Pachuca. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 6(12), 81-85.