Birth and death process in epidemiology.

  • Roberto Ávila Pozos UAEH
  • Ricardo Cruz Castillo UAEH
  • Ronald Richard Jiménez-Munguía UAEH
Keywords: Epidemiology, Stochastic Processes, Mathematical Modeling


In this work, we present a general ideas in birth-death processes,
which are a particular kind of stochastic process. We
present birth-death process applied for some biological examples.
We present a birth-death model used for modeling the
behaivoir in the number of infected individuals as an epidemiological
problem. This process has a finite transition probabilities
matrix, which all their entries are constants. The last part
of the work, we present a infinite matrix and some ideas about
the solution on this problem, adapted to the epidemiological
example deal in the previous section.


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How to Cite
Ávila Pozos, R., Cruz Castillo, R., & Jiménez-Munguía, R. R. (2019). Birth and death process in epidemiology. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 6(12), 86-90.