Inventory and cataloging of historic garden, such as cultural landscapes in Mexico City, for recognition in the cultural property laws

  • Luisa Sandoval Morán
Keywords: Historic garden, Mexico City (CDMX), Cultural landscapes, Inventory, Catalogue


The tendency of human beings to transform the rural or urban environment in which they live is part of their nature and the gardens, parks and squares of historical character located in Mexico City (CDMX), are subject to these changes, so this research aims to place them as protagonists worthy of being preserved and position them as places of great utility, which can give the population that visit them a set of knowledge that endures from generation to generation. Given that such sites combine unique architectural and biological characteristics that together provide environmental and cultural services of paramount importance to society, derived from a pre-Hispanic tradition, but that contradictoryly do not have an optimal guardianship for their safeguarding, in the General Monuments Law in its last amendment of 2015. A local legal alternative that contains favorable elements to protect such sites as part of Cultural Landscapes is the Law of Safeguarding the Architectural Urbanistic Heritage of the CDMX. In this sense, an inventory is a useful tool to be able to create a catalogue that helps to establish the rules and procedures for their proper management and position them within the Mexican laws, in order to help solve the destructive anthropogenic tendencies when considering new routes in their management.


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How to Cite
Sandoval Morán, L. (2019). Inventory and cataloging of historic garden, such as cultural landscapes in Mexico City, for recognition in the cultural property laws. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 6(12), 1-3.