Indicator of innovation and solar coverage

  • Erwin Medina Josefa
Keywords: Solar energy, solar panel, homes with solar panel, urban indicator


This text recognizes the importance of sustainable urban indicators, as well as the broad and very extensive context, which over the years has had sustainable development, which along with climate change are the requesting and at the same time promoters of indicators that contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the people who live in the cities. Energy is fundamental for the development of societies, the objective of sustainable development number seven is the official interest of the UN in this matter, the framework is the 2030 Agenda. Of the set of renewable energies, it is the solar option in conjunction with the solar panel technological addition, the option that has the greatest potential for implementation in the domestic sphere. Then, according to the described scenario, it has been the task to develop an exploratory indicator to know the coverage of solar energy in Mexican households, using as a first input households with electric energy by solar panel. We return to the proposed approach "energy efficiency from the context of 'good practices' and clean energy." Under the aforementioned approach we group the relative data, normalize it and weigh it. We do a national review for 2014 using data from INEGI. You get a ranking then, Durango and Sonora are the first on the list. Some reflections are provided regarding the exercise and the existing opportunity areas.


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How to Cite
Medina Josefa, E. (2019). Indicator of innovation and solar coverage. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 6(12), 14-20.