Santa María la Ribera, Architectural Heritage of Mexico City

  • Ana Miriam Roldán Garcés
Keywords: Architecture, history, preservation, domestic architecture, housing


Mexico City has many buildings with artistic, architectural, cultural and identity values that benefit society, however, many of these buildings are disappearing before the construction of new housing proposals, buildings from the year 2000 onwards. In this work, through the compilation of the historical antecedents and the postulates of conservation theories in the theoretical framework, this problem is analyzed, with the aim of preserving the historic housing architecture of the Porfiriato period of the late 19th century at the beginning of the twentieth century, only the historical single-family housing architecture of 1 and 2 levels is analyzed, the study area being the Colonia Santa María la Ribera. In the results there is a percentage of 33% of historical housing architecture and within this percentage, 11% corresponds to the historical single-family architecture of 1 and 2 levels. The colony Santa María la Ribera was the first fractionation of Mexico City, representing the modernity of the Industrial Revolution, with new structural systems and new materials, used in the eclectic and neoclassical architecture of that historical moment. These results justify the preservation of this architecture.


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How to Cite
Roldán Garcés, A. M. (2019). Santa María la Ribera, Architectural Heritage of Mexico City. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 6(12), 32-36.
Research papers