Valuation of architectural heritage through digital technology

  • Guillermo Martínez Vergara
Keywords: Heritage, technology, conservation, app, culture


The effects of globalization on society are becoming more noticeable, factors such as the economy, migration and even the surprising technological advance of recent years have been changing the social perception of the population little by little. These changes cannot be condemned because they significantly mark the evolution of the human being and allow the exchange of ideas throughout the world.

The problem arises when the inhabitants of a region begin to be indifferent with their own ideologies and cultural positions, bringing consequently a cultural homogenization that in many cases ends with the neglect and destruction of the architectural heritage of the regions. This problem is more evident in the small towns of the country when facing an important demographic factor that is migration; more and more people leave their place of origin in search of better opportunities for quality of life, leaving these sites vulnerable to the loss of cultural heritage.

While it is true that technological progress has attacked cultural integrity, we can take advantage of the current interest of the entire population towards this factor to give a responsive approach to technology and use it in favor of the care and protection of cultural elements and architectural with heritage value by the inhabitants.


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How to Cite
Martínez Vergara, G. (2019). Valuation of architectural heritage through digital technology. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 6(12), 50-56.