Innovation in the Teaching Equipment for the Development of Relevant Professional Skills and Competencies, in the Educational Programs of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering of the Technological Institute of Aguascalientes

  • Jorge Yáñez Centro de Tecnología Avanzada CIATEQ A.C
  • Carlos Sánchez López Tecnológico Nacional de México
Keywords: Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Manufacturing Cell, Energy Sustainability, Competency Based Education, Graduate Profile, Professional Pertinence


The present work describes the elements, the result of the exploratory research that aims to identify areas of opportunity that should be considered in the updating of the didactic equipment of the Technological Institute of Aguascalientes, which allows the academic community to develop an Exit Profile, with Relevant Skills and Competencies.
In the research, the discharge profiles in areas of industrial and mechanical engineering are observed, with their respective infrastructure in workshops and laboratories; In addition to considering the needs that the Productive Sector requires in the professionals that are integrated into its ranks, identifying the needs in the future.
These elements allow generating an approach for the development of proposals in the adaptation of graduation profiles and academic infrastructure, through Innovation in a Flexible Manufacturing System for didactic purposes, where elements such as Manufacturing Cells, Monitoring Systems are integrated. and Control, the Analysis of Energy Sustainability, among others.
Allowing the strengthening of relevant skills and competencies, which provide the opportunity to fulfill the institutional objectives, in response to the needs of the productive sector of the state of Aguascalientes and its region.


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How to Cite
Yáñez, J., & Sánchez López, C. (2020). Innovation in the Teaching Equipment for the Development of Relevant Professional Skills and Competencies, in the Educational Programs of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering of the Technological Institute of Aguascalientes. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 7(14), 78-82.