Valor histórico del inmueble - la determinación del valor histórico por medio del análisis matemático y la reflexión del inmueble con respecto a las sociedades

  • Francisco Omar Lagarda García Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Historical value, valuation, building, reconversion


The search for the historical value of a property requires a deep and detailed analysis of their conservation, state of conservation, probable useful life and location, the significance of the building through history, and the relevant events that occurred inside. The main aim of this process is to assess the importance of the building and to consider the possibility of reconverting it to create a new vision that revitalize the property as it was a living being that can still contribute actively to the intended new use. This support the idea that a historic building can compete with any other considered as having "vanguard architectonic design".


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How to Cite
Lagarda García, F. O. (2016). Valor histórico del inmueble - la determinación del valor histórico por medio del análisis matemático y la reflexión del inmueble con respecto a las sociedades. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 4(7).