Teaching of linear control theory using simulations and platforms of aero-propulsed systems

  • Gerardo Loreto Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Uruapan
Keywords: Educational platform, learning strategies, educational innovation


The use of simulations as demonstrated in different works reported in the specialized literature is an excellent complement to the traditional teaching of the theory of linear control at an engineering level that is based on oral explanations and exercise solution sessions. However, most assume that the knowledge acquired through simulations can be transferred to a real context by the students. In this paper, a teaching methodology is developed that covers simulation sessions based on a platform developed from the Matscape / Simulink® Simscape Multibody ™ library and application sessions that allow validating that students can transfer the acquired knowledge using platforms called aero-propelled that make use of propeller and motor systems as actuators, applied to cover the topic corresponding to the synthesis of controllers and that covers topics such as modeling, identification and tuning of controllers that are the main topics covered in an introductory course on the theory of control of linear systems for engineering such as Mechatronics and Electronics


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How to Cite
Loreto, G. (2020). Teaching of linear control theory using simulations and platforms of aero-propulsed systems. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 7(14), 89-97. https://doi.org/10.29057/icbi.v7i14.4976