Proposals for analysis of urban sprawl

Keywords: Dispersion, continuity, index, Dispersion, index


This work analyzes five proposals on how to measure territorial dispersion in different types of cities. Firstly, the approach of Muñiz and García-López (2013) on urban exchanges from the Barcelona metropolitan region is reviewed. Subsequently, the stages of Sobrino's (2006) metropolitanism in Mexican cities are discussed. Tsai (2005) defines his work as research that takes a different approach from most studies. First, it divides the urban form into four dimensions: size, density, degree of equal distribution and degree of grouping and, in turn, each dimension approaches it from different quantitative variables. Finally, the North American city is studied from the position of Galster, et al., (2001) and through key works such as Measuring Sprawl 2014 (Ewing and Hamidi, 2014).


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How to Cite
González-Loza, M. Ángel, Juárez-Sedano, A. D., González-Loza, J. G., & Dolores-Mijangos, M. del R. (2020). Proposals for analysis of urban sprawl. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 8(15), 117-123.

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