Evaluation of the healing effect of a cream and ointment based on aguamiel on the back of Wistar rats

Keywords: Aguamiel, healing, saponins


The aguamiel or agave water is a drink that is extracted from the interior of different species of the genus Agave such as the pulquero agave (Agave salmiana Haw), mountain maguey (A. atrovirens Karw.) And the American agave (A. americana L.), these are plants native to Mexico from semi-arid and temperate zones of the antiplane. Aguamiel contains saponins, a secondary metabolite which is characterized by its structure, since it contains a steroidal aglycone or terpenoid and one or more sugar chains. In the present project, a cream and ointment based on aguamiel were formulated whose concentration in the ointment and cream was 5%. Once the formulations were obtained, in vivo tests were carried out, 4 groups of 3 male rats of the Wistar strain were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital each, two 1.5 cm long incisions were made with a depth of 0.2 cm in the external part of the spinal cord, after the incision the treatments were applied cream and ointment to 5%, sulfadiazine and the control group, the treatment was applied for 15 days.


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How to Cite
González-Martínez, A. E., Ortiz-José, M. G., Rodríguez-Meléndez, I. J., Gómez y Gómez, Y. de las M., Hurtado-Mariles, A. J., & Jiménez-Zuñiga, M. I. (2020). Evaluation of the healing effect of a cream and ointment based on aguamiel on the back of Wistar rats. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 8(Especial), 24-27. https://doi.org/10.29057/icbi.v8iEspecial.6363

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