Interactive model I4.0 as a way for teaching-learning the use of cyber-physical systems for Industry 4.0

Keywords: Industry 4.0, Cyber-physical systems, iModel, teaching-learning methods, Internet of things, cloud computing, virtual tours


Industry 4.0 is modifying global production, and it demands that professionals know and manage its enabling technologies. For this reason, universities need to generate teaching-learning mechanisms so that students acquire skills that new jobs will demand and that allow them to be competitive. Cyber-physical systems are the main characters of Industry 4.0, they also combine many technologies, and have a physical infrastructure that works when combined with a digital part. This work shows the development of a cyber-physical system as a teaching-learning medium to encourage students to generate the capacities required by Industry 4.0. The I4.0 model, improving the process of location and identification of places in an institution, but, on the other hand, allows the students to experiment with technologies such as cloud computing, internet of things and virtual tours, in a practical way, modifying or adding new functionality to the model. Finally, a set of practices is described, as a proposal used in the teaching process by teachers, which can allow students to assimilate the concepts and technologies of Industry 4.0, through their development.


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How to Cite
Cuaya-Simbro, G., Martínez-Rodríguez, J., Covarrubias-Cruz, U. Y., Zaragoza-Ramírez, J. A., Ruiz Hernandez, E., & Gutierrez Fragoso, K. (2021). Interactive model I4.0 as a way for teaching-learning the use of cyber-physical systems for Industry 4.0. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 9(Especial), 118-127.