Automation of the design of fire detection systems in BIM and its Potential in Big Data analysis

Keywords: Automation, BIM, Revit, Big Data, Fire Detection Systems FDS, Software Development


In the current 4.0 industrial revolution, architecture has been transformed by digitization, with the incorporation of BIM and Big Data, which are mainly oriented towards process automation. Although this digital era is already well established, compared to the educational curriculums of the best evaluated architecture schools in the world, the teaching of architecture in Mexico still lacks methodological and technical support to guide research projects that seek to generate tools derived from software development to improve practice and architectural work. This article goes over research work in which the authors propose the generation of a software development product using the Scrumb method to improve architectural practices with the intention of sharing the same process and facilitating a guide for students who have an interest in conducting research or developing similar products. Furthermore, it talks about both methodological and practical development and, among other things, also about how the subject of programming is approached from the perspective of an architect. The research product is a Plug-in for Autodesk Revit software to improve the design of Fire Detection Systems (SDI), automating the analysis and seeding of devices.


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How to Cite
Orihuela-Martínez, C. A., & Bigurra-Alzati, C. A. (2022). Automation of the design of fire detection systems in BIM and its Potential in Big Data analysis. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 10(Especial2), 155-160.

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