Rotation-invariant image classification using a novel 1D CNN and Multichannel Accurate Bessel-Fourier moments

Keywords: Bessel-Fourier moments, Rotation-Invariant features, Deep learning, Galaxy morphologies


This work presents a proposal to use Bessel-Fourier moments as inputs to 1D convolutional neural networks in such a way that they take advantage of the inherent characteristics of moment type descriptors such as rotational invariance and minimal information redundancy. The results presented show that the proposal has a better performance than the deep neural network with rotation invariance.


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How to Cite
Camacho-Bello, C. J., Gutiérrez-Lazcano, L., & Ortega-Mendoza, R. M. (2022). Rotation-invariant image classification using a novel 1D CNN and Multichannel Accurate Bessel-Fourier moments. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 10(Especial3), 1-4.