Gastronomy as a tourist factor in the State of Hidalgo

Keywords: Gastronomy, tradition, tourism, factor, miscegenation


The gastronomy of the State of Hidalgo is one of the most important in the Mexican Republic because it’s based on the miscegenation of two very different cultures, Spanish and Mexican. From Europe, with the conquest, inputs totally unknown to the Mexican lands arrived, which were combined with techniques and ingredients that have been used since ancient times, such as corn, beans, flowers, leaves and herbs, multiple insects and other products that they have been inherited from generation to generation, opening up unique dishes and in the future representative of the State of Hidalgo; Hidalgo's traditional cuisine is one of the most widespread items within the national cuisine, since the diversity of cultural expressions found within the State makes it complex, but if something defines and makes the cuisine of this entity unique, it is the use of wild ingredients and knowing that the traditional Nahua, Otomí and Tepehua cooks from the different regions of the State of Hidalgo hold, thanks to all the dishes that have been created within this same region, programs have been developed such as “Pueblos con Sabor”, which recognizes and rewards the municipality for its unique and representative dish of the region, with endemic ingredients and local techniques; One of the clearest examples of the State of Hidalgo is the Valle del Mezquital that thanks to its gastronomy is present by using flora and fauna of the region such as chinicuiles, escamoles and highlighting its traditional dish that is the barbacoa.



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How to Cite
González Romero, J. Y., Rodríguez Martínez, J. S., & Testón Franco, N. (2023). Gastronomy as a tourist factor in the State of Hidalgo. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 9(Especial), 13-20.