Development of an automatic irrigation system as an educational resource for the digital electronics subject

Keywords: Digital electronics, Microcontroller, irrigation, counter


This paper deals with the development of a didactic precision agricultural irrigation control system using fundamental electronic devices that are typically presented and analysed in a digital electronics course. The project integrates the application of latches, counters and decoders focused on controlling an agricultural production system. Through the developed system, the amount of water supplied to a plant is controlled, using soil moisture as a monitoring variable for the water irrigation system. The calibration of the irrigation system allowed to identify that each of irrigation activation provides an amount of 0.25 milliliters of water, which allowed efficiently use of watering through the implementation using computational techniques and hardware devices. The system can be modified and adapted to other agricultural systems to regulate the supply of nutrient solutions or liquid fertilizers.


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How to Cite
Serrano-Pérez, E. (2024). Development of an automatic irrigation system as an educational resource for the digital electronics subject. Ingenio Y Conciencia Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Ciudad Sahagún, 11(21), 116-121.