Corporate social responsibility and its impact on the working life quality

Keywords: Corporate Social responsibility, working life quality, performance indicators


Due to the exponetial globalization growth the corporate social responsibility is becoming increasingly important  as a result of the demands from some special interest groups. They demand the corporations to adapt their activities to sustainable models, hence the corporate must prioritize these demands in the corporate strategy program. This paper analyzes the social responsiblity indicators that impact on the working life quality. Through a survey of 66 questions to 186 employees in order to identify wich social responsibility strategies have the most impact on the  employees working life quality, considering the surveyed corporate as a pattern. This paper pretends to demonstrate that the corporations not only have a positive impact on society but they also provide better wellfare to their employees. Thus a stronger identity and sense of belonging is born.

We may conclude the verification of the hypothesis which mentions that, by implementing the main corporate social responsibility strategies on the members of a corporation, it allows to improve the quality of working life and identity with the company in a successful way . Which will ultimately lead to the improvement of its competitiveness.


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How to Cite
Rangel Angeles, M. T., García Bravo, M. M., De la Garza Herrera, F., & Quiroz Salas, L. G. (2021). Corporate social responsibility and its impact on the working life quality . Ingenio Y Conciencia Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Ciudad Sahagún, 8(15), 12-19.