Thermodynamic System

Keywords: Properties, process, space, thermodynamic, systems


It is considered as a thermodynamic system that has as main characteristic to form a physical part of space so that it is studied, through; its properties, elements, changes and / or processes that occur within it, starting with the modification of its variables such as; pressure, volume and temperature. In this conceptual map we can better identify the definition of a thermodynamic system, as well as its characteristics and properties.


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How to Cite
Rivera-Sandoval , Y., Orozco-Ugalde , C. J., Bernardino-González , J., Barron-Montaño, F. J., & Juárez-Velásquez, B. (2023). Thermodynamic System. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 10(20), 20-22.
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