Measurement of service quality through the Servqual model in a company in the automotive sector company

Keywords: Service, service quality, expectations, perceptions, servqual model


The quality of customer service is one of the main elements that must be practiced within an organization; regardless of the size, structure and nature of its operations, as it is a prerequisite for the success of service companies, since it influences the value perceived by customers, their satisfaction and loyalty. The objective of this work is to determine the level of quality of service that a company in the automotive sector gives its customers in order to establish service strategies. The focus of the study is quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional, it is carried out in Pachuca, Hidalgo to 30 clients of an automotive service company. The measurement instrument used is Parasuraman's SERVQUAL and the main results show that all the service dimensions evaluated through the model show a level of customer satisfaction above the average, which is positive, however, there are points low that require improvement such as the dimension tangible elements


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How to Cite
Duana-Ávila, D., Huizache-Santos , M., Hernández-Gracia , T. J., & Martínez García , M. D. (2024). Measurement of service quality through the Servqual model in a company in the automotive sector company. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 11(22), 1-10.