
Keywords: Water, Ships, Mechanism, Transport, Steam


A steamboat is a boat with a motor to vapor. The vapor is artificially generated for a boiler because it´s produced to water (obviously) and his change of physical state through to his warm-up. The principal´s items to generated move in this machinery are water, boiler, mechanism like a wheel, helix, paddles, or anything to propellers that help to move the boats, and one hollow tube (serves for take-out the vapor to the atmosphere).

In 1787 John Fitcher an U.S inventor built the first steam boat, when John Fitch watched and analysed the railways and his functionating, and he realized that this mechanism had an excellent performance, close to perfect, he decide create a similar machinery but in a marine transport, for this he thought that the boats would be essential in the future. When he built the first stream boat, he knew a lot of this machines and he watched these boats was faster, efficient and economical than the traditional boat, In the present these boats are the most used, with theirs transport a lot of products both nationally or internationally for the companies. For this and more the steamboats they are one of the most important inventions in the transport area.


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How to Cite
Rosales-Martínez, D. J., De la Cruz-Sánchez, J. X., Gaspar-Rocha, D. L., Sánchez-Domínguez, M. F., & Colin-Díaz, J. F. (2024). Steamboats. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 11(21), 39-41.
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