Leadership in organizations

Keywords: Leadership, motivate, objective, order, organization


The following infographic addresses the topic of leadership, highlighting its importance as an essential tool for coordinating human behavior and facilitating the achievement of goals and objectives through effective processes. Different types of leadership are presented, each with its own distinctive characteristics and particular approaches, starting with automatic leadership, in which tasks are determined without allowing discussions or initiatives; democratic leadership, which assigns tasks by encouraging discussion and participation of team members; liberal leadership, in which total freedom is granted to act according to their preferences and criteria; authoritarian leadership, characterized by giving directive orders and strict supervision of compliance; and charismatic leadership, which focuses on motivating and inspiring staff to achieve organizational goals.

In addition, various leadership models are explored. On the one hand, the trait approach focuses on the personal characteristics that define a leader, while the behavioral approach focuses on people's actions and behaviors. The contingency approach suggests that leadership is indispensable and may vary according to circumstances and situations, and the emergent approach, which addresses both transformational and transactional leadership, highlighting its goal of changing and improving the organization.


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Navarrete Fonseca, M., Pazmiño Cano, G., Garófalo Untuña, V., & Baraja Mena, W. (2023). Liderazgo en las organizaciones virtuales: descubriendo hallazgos. SUMMA. Revista Disciplinaria En Ciencias económicas Y Sociales, 5(1), 1-10. url:https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=9046890

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Anzorena, O. (2019). Líder- Coach: Un modelo para el Liderazgo y el Coaching organizacional. Buenos Aires: Granica.url:https://books.google.es/books?id=ed6LDwAAQBAJ&lpg=PT14&ots=_IDMXZDdA6&dq=liderazgo%20organizacional&lr&hl=es&pg=PT14#v=onepage&q=liderazgo%20organizacional

Rozo Sánchez, A., Flórez Garay, A., & Gutiérrez Suárez, C. (2019). Liderazgo organizacional como elemento clave para la dirección estratégica. AiBi Revista de investigación, administración e ingeniería, 7(2), 62-67. doi:https://doi.org/10.15649/2346030X

Geraldo Campos, L. A., Mera Sánchez, A. R., & Rocha Perez, E. (2020). Importancia de los estilos de liderazgo: un abordaje de revisión teórica. 10(4), 156-174. doi:https://doi.org/10.17162/au.v10i4.501.

How to Cite
López-Mendoza, J. G., & Vázquez-Damaso, A. (2024). Leadership in organizations . TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 11(22), 74-76. https://doi.org/10.29057/estr.v11i22.12487
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