
Keywords: Benchmarking, comparision, identification, improvement


The following Concept Map addresses the topic of Benchmarking, based on the premise that it is a strategic business practice involving the comparison and evaluation of the performance of an organization, product, or process with the industry's most outstanding standards. This systematic approach seeks to identify improvement opportunities and adopt best practices to achieve superior performance. Its definition lies in the proactive search for external references that inspire positive changes. The benefits of benchmarking are varied and encompass everything from learning best practices to optimizing processes and stimulating innovation. It provides a valuable perspective by exposing the organization to successful methods used by others. There are different types of benchmarking, including internal, external, and functional. The benchmarking process is divided into several phases. It begins with the clear definition of the object of study and the scope of the analysis. Then, relevant internal and external data are collected. Subsequently, the results are analyzed to identify areas for improvement. Finally, changes are implemented based on lessons learned, and performance is monitored to ensure the continuity of improvements. Benchmarking is an essential tool for business evolution, allowing organizations to learn, adapt, and continuously improve by adopting successful practices from others.


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De Rubio, L. P. (2021). Benchmarking como herramienta para fomentar la cultura tributaria y responsabilidad financiera en las organizaciones. Revista Digital La Pasión del Saber, 11 (20):

Pastor, I. S. G. (2021). Evaluación del benchmarking en la mejora continua de las prácticas empresariales. Revisión sistemática. Universidad César Vallejo,

Quiroz, H. P. J. O., Juárez, W. A., Sandoval, C. A. S., & Pantoja-Tirado, L. (2021b). Benchmarking como herramienta gerencial en las empresas:

Revisión bibliográfica. Revista de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Llamkasun, 2(2), 54-65.

How to Cite
Vargas Martínez, E., & Aguilar Jiménez, N. M. (2024). Benchmarking. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 11(22), 59-61.
Abstracts, maps or knowledge application diagrams