Breast cancer: What are the three levels of prevention?

Keywords: Breast cancer, prevention, mammography


Breast cancer is a disease caused by the production and proliferation of damaged cells in the breast. Some risk factors such as age, genetic mutations and personal and family history of cancer, are very important in its diagnosis. At the various levels of care, detection and treatment actions are provided, and when a patient is diagnosed in a timely manner, she has a good prognosis for recovery. The objective of this publication is to inform cancer patients, or those who are vulnerable to cancer, about the actions that are being taken at their level to improve their prognosis and quality of life.


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CDC Español. (2023, agosto 22). ¿Qué puedo hacer para reducir el riesgo de cáncer de mama? Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades. Recuperado el 14 de marzo de 2024 de:

Instituto Nacional del Cáncer. (2013, 1 de marzo). Exámenes de detección del cáncer de seno. Recuperado el 14 de marzo de 2024 de:

American Cancer Society. (2023). Tratamiento contra el cáncer de seno. Recuperado el 14 de marzo de 2024 de:

How to Cite
De La Vega-Baza, D. R., Villegas-Muñoz , X., & Parras-Sánchez , M. (2024). Breast cancer: What are the three levels of prevention?. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 11(22), 77-78.
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