
Keywords: Analysis, customers, marketing, needs, process, satisfy


Marketing constantly adapts to new trends and technologies, such as data analysis and artificial intelligence, to enhance market segmentation accuracy and personalize strategies in the business world. However, it is important to understand that marketing is a crucial process that involves both social and administrative aspects to meet the needs and desires of groups and individuals through the exchange of valuable products. It also identifies and understands customer needs to offer value propositions that address those needs.

Several types of marketing can be distinguished, such as neuromarketing, which analyzes how the brain interacts in the purchasing process; internal marketing, which aims to increase productivity and loyalty of workers through a suitable work environment; and social marketing, which focuses on supporting social causes and generating benefits for both companies and society.

Digital marketing focuses on understanding and leveraging the use of digital media to effectively reach consumers, while the roles of the consumer, provider, and owner of the product or service involve different approaches to maximize efficiency and measure return on marketing investment.


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How to Cite
Juárez-Ramirez, O., & Núñez-Hernández, R. (2024). Marketing. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 11(22), 65-67.
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