The digital transformation on the workforce

  • Diana Nava Pascual Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Ana Abigail Molina Cruz Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: digital transformation, labor force, skills


Currently organizations face different situations due to globalization, which is having a relevant impact on the development of new business and management models in organizations, allowing the implementation of new systems in the production process, creating new strategies internal as external in the companies, to improve the operation of the same. Producing in such an accelerated way that the survival of many organizations is at stake if they do not adapt to the digital age. For this reason the attraction and retention of
talent is a huge challenge in this process, since they are considered new software such as empowerment, reengineering, outsourcing, digital transformation, industry 4.0, etc. Which have as main objective that organizations improve their activities in such a way that it is less expensive thus achieving to increase their productivity, performance and satisfaction of their employees and with this improve their skills and / or skills that will help them to be more competitive in the market thus preventing the high unemployment rate from


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How to Cite
Nava Pascual, D., & Molina Cruz , A. A. (2019). The digital transformation on the workforce . TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 6(12), 91-93.
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