Thermodynamic systems

Keywords: Energy, Limit, Matter, System


Listening to talk about thermodynamics generates us a great unknown, being a word so immersed in science and complex, we assume that it can only be addressed in fields of specialization; however, it is present in our environment. This branch of physics has a practical aspect, since it is applied for the analysis of thermodynamic systems. A thermodynamic system is a part of the physical universe to be studied, through its elements, properties and changes or processes that occur in it from the modification of variables such as pressure, volume and temperature.

By being in contact with these systems, the need to address and deepen them grows; so this research aims to disseminate information about thermodynamic systems in order to familiarize us for future relevant applications and industry case studies.


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How to Cite
Ignacio Martínez, M. L., Vazquez Flores, S. L., Briseño Sánchez, A., & Atilano León, A. (2021). Thermodynamic systems. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 8(16), 34-37.
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