Main components of Bipolar Disorder

Keywords: Manía, hi´´ppomanía, depression, suicide


Mental disorders such as Bipolar Disorder (TB) have increased their incidence in the last decade worldwide, so currently in Mexico; they represent a great challenge in the area of ​​Psychiatry due to the high mortality rate due to suicides committed by the patients suffering from a Mental Disorder. This study is based on updated scientific review sources where it is intended to update and disclose the main genetic, chemical, and environmental risk factors that intervene etiologically in the production of mental instability that could subsequently trigger the presence of a Bipolar Disorder. , to publicize the clinical manifestations of this disease to provide an effective and timely diagnosis in patients, so that they return to their daily activities and not be disabling in their daily life.


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How to Cite
Hernandez Rosalio, L. (2022). Main components of Bipolar Disorder. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 9(17), 28-31.