Digital Marketing

Keywords: Digital media, internet, sales, virtual receiver, technological advances, technological resources


Digital Marketing is a set of activities that a company or person executes on the internet in order to attract new business and develop a brand identity. With the use of technological resources and existing digital media to develop direct communications, aimed at achieving a positive reaction in the virtual receiver. The objective of this work is to know through infographics how digital marketing has changed according to technological advances, to know-how companies have adapted to these advances, and that in some way it can be called "new", to innovate the way of how to attract the attention of customers.


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How to Cite
Curiel Jiménez, I. I., Hernández Barreto, A. L., Pérez Granados, J., & Almazan Guzman, C. A. (2022). Digital Marketing. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 9(17), 51-53.
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