Importance of Decision Making

Keywords: Organization, company, business, decision-making


Making choices is an action typical of all human beings, which leads to a decision analysis that supports all managerial functions. Undoubtedly, a decision has a transcendental impact on the company and its consequences have the possibility of being positive or negative, which is why it is important that, when proposing and structuring any action plan in an organization, making choices is a large part of the development and implementation for any plan or policy. Only a thorough analysis of each decision can ensure the organization the growth and development it deserves. This process can be considered as the basis for the success of business because the decision-making in the organization is created at all levels and each employee helps to achieve the organization's goals.


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How to Cite
Valdez-Hernández, M. L., Juárez-Alcantara, G., Noguez-Hernández, A. I., & Osorio-Velázquez , A. F. (2022). Importance of Decision Making. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 9(18), 60-62.
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