Internal marketing and loyality

Keywords: Customers, companies, endomarketing, identity, loyalty


Nowadays, large companies have been concerned about strengthening their organizational identity in order to consolidate companies with a high capacity to respond to future challenges, hence the need to create new ways of working to generate competitive advantages and facilitate the construction of a unified corporate image for both external and internal customers. These are some of the questions that this paper aims to answer. What is Endomarketing? What is loyalty? Why and how can it be applied in companies?


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How to Cite
Paredes Cruz, V., Ortuño García , C. M., & Ríos Hernández , P. Y. (2022). Internal marketing and loyality. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 9(17), 60-62.
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