The teacher´s motivation of the business development educational program during COVID-19

Keywords: Confinement, Covid-19, Motivation, Teachers


The educational authorities have been concerned about the students in  the confinement in relation to their motivation, in order  to keep the classrooms open and with it their professional training, in this virtual way to we have had to adapt, nevertheless, little has been said about  the teacher´s motivation,    this is an issue that should be paid attention to continue with this virtual education project, which circumstances have led us to. This research has been developed to a sample of 44 professors of the Business Development Educational Program of the Technological University of Tula-Tepeji. The teachers answered a questionnaire with 24 items, divided into 4 dimensions, that measure aspects such as; their perception of confinement due to the pandemic, their general digital skills before and during the pandemic, level of motivation, and their attitude towards their students in times of contingency. From result, it was possible to determine the level of motivation that these teachers experience in their daily school activities from confinement by Covid-19.


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How to Cite
Acevedo Sanchez, I., Castillo Trejo , A., Ortiz Alcalá , V. H., & Ortega Montiel , M. de L. (2022). The teacher´s motivation of the business development educational program during COVID-19. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 9(17), 75-82.