Thermodynamic processes

Keywords: Changes, equilibrium, Thermodynamic processes, system, process trajectory


A thermodynamic process refers to a system experiencing changes in any of its variables or ligatures that allow the external environment to interact with the system by exchanging energy and / or matter until it has a balance with each other so that the system changes from an initial condition to a final one. Changes must occur infinitesimally to have a succession of equilibrium states. Called quasi-static changes. Thermodynamic systems by experiencing a series of intermediate states form a graphical curve that defines the trajectory of the process that can be compression or expansion.


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How to Cite
Corona-Bacilio, D. A., Espinosa-Cervantes, L. A., Garrido-García, R., & Maya-García, A. K. (2022). Thermodynamic processes. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 9(18), 34-37.
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