The cell

Keywords: Cell, cell structure, cell functions, cell organelles


The cell is the basic, morphological and structural unit of organisms, they can be classified into eukaryotes and prokaryote depending on their structure in terms of size and presence of nucleus. Within eukaryotes we find the division of animal and plant cells. In this infographic we will provide the characteristics of an animal eukaryotic cell, as well as its morphology, main chemical components, structural functions and especially each of its organelles, both membranous and non-membranous, and their specific functions of each one that helps the cell to carry out a metabolism to grow, be functional, reproduce and leave genetic inheritance.


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How to Cite
Martínez-Álvarez, K. N., Espinosa-Mena, L. E., Monroy-Mendoza, A. L., & Salinas-López, A. (2022). The cell. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 9(18), 71-73.
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