Thermal solar energy

Keywords: solar thermal energy, heat, solar technology, temperature, steam


Thermal solar energy or also known as solar thermal energy can be defined as the heat generated by solar radiation, that is, the use of energy from the Sun to transfer it to a heat-carrying medium. For its part, solar heating is a process by which solar technology converts radiant energy from the sun into heat and this is transmitted to a working fluid to raise temperature levels and use it in a variety of applications and services. Some of the applications can be industrial, commercial, and residential through different technologies, including steam production, heating systems, cooling systems, and even electricity generation. The objective of this work is to present new energy generation technologies in a clean way, taking advantage of solar energy and how it can be applied in a wide variety of processes, both domestic, commercial and industrial.



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How to Cite
Osornio-Cárdenas, J. I., Domínguez-Barreto, O., Miranda-Hernández, A., Reyes-Sandoval, F. A., & Vargas-Rosas, E. M. (2022). Thermal solar energy. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 9(18), 41-43.
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