The impact of incentives on job performance

Keywords: Organizational performance, work incentives, non-economic incentives, motivation, needs, objectives


The objective of this research is to identify the types of incentives that are given to workers and employees, in addition to highlighting the process of motivation which is based on meeting the needs of each individual that makes up an organization and which in turn are reflected in the incentives within companies as a fundamental tool that allows to generate a better optimization of process and an improvement in work environment, also highlighting the performance of workers both physical and psychological and in their work areas. We know that in addition to economic incentives, companies should promote non-economic incentives, since they are aspects that people want in their work environment to achieve optimal performance, such as freedom in decision making, recognition systems for the goals achieved or training for employees. However, it should be noted that each organization must develop and implement strategies that allow it to meet the needs of its employees to achieve the objectives and goals set by the organization. That is why in this research we will address some concepts that companies use to work more efficiently.


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How to Cite
Cornejo-Hernández, J., Reyes-Hernández, A. P., & Ávila-Zamorategui, J. E. (2023). The impact of incentives on job performance. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 10(20), 32-34.
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