Hygiene and Safety in Organizations

Keywords: Accidents, hygiene, measures, security


The objective of this research is to find and define the minimum conditions within the work area to prevent any risk within organizations, and promote some measures. Therefore, safety and hygiene are the set of measures, which will be applied if there is a risk (situation in which someone suffers harm or damage), accidents (events that occur unexpectedly), or illnesses (exposed to a danger derivative) during a work activity. The origin of these is derived from the working conditions and the unfavorable work environment, which leads to different types of accidents such as falls, wear due to movements, exposure or contact, and overexertion or blows.

Due to the irresponsibility towards the causes and consequences of accidents, there are safety and hygiene techniques such as occupational safety, industrial hygiene, occupational medicine, ergonomics and applied psychology. The Occupational Risk Prevention Law and the Services and Prevention Regulation also mention the importance of implementing preventive and subsequent measures in the event of any risk situation. The correct application of hygiene and safety regulations at work reduces the risks of accidents, deaths and professional illnesses.


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How to Cite
Juan-Felix, J. Y., Rojo Castro, C., Rojas Salazar, Y., Ramírez González, D. S., & García González, M. (2023). Hygiene and Safety in Organizations. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 10(20), 35-37. https://doi.org/10.29057/estr.v10i20.9770
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